Welcome to October
Dear friends,
Welcome to the start of the second quarter of the Rotary year, October and happy independence, Nigeria. This is Rotary International’s Economic & Community Development Month in addition to breast cancer awareness. Other notable dates include World Mental Health Day on the 10th, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on the 17th, and World Polio Day on the 24th of October.
Through Rotary International Economic and Community Development projects, Rotarians are creating sustainable, measurable, and long-term economic improvements in communities around the globe, building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, and local organizations, to support economic development in impoverished communities. These projects provide opportunities for productive work, thereby alleviating poverty in under-served communities and supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to economic and community development.
We will be awarding microfinance loans to some small-scale business to help alleviate poverty by enabling beneficiaries to increase their income and reduce their vulnerability to economic stress and mental health risks. This program aims to complement their skills and income through training and financing their businesses.
About 400 million children are immunized each year against polio. Children who live to age five are twice as likely to reach adulthood, which is why Rotary and its partners have been delivering vaccines globally for 40 years, ensuring all children grow up safe from preventable diseases. Rotary International will not rest on its oars until polio is completely eradicated.
We will embark on creating awareness and fundraising to support these efforts. I am appealing to our members and friends to donate at least $30 (N47,730) to the PolioPlus fund to help eradicate polio. This will be matched 2-for-1 by the Gates Foundation, so your donation becomes $90 to fight this horrible disease. Donations will also improve our standing in district Polioplus giving.
Thanks for your selfless service .
Yours in Service,
Yvonne S. Iwo-Brown
President 2024-2025