January - Vocational Services Month
Welcome to January, Rotary’s Vocational Service month, the start of a bright new year of awesome possibilities, and the second half of the year themed; The Magic of Rotary Vocational Service focuses on:
• The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just those of Rotarians, but everyone else’s.
• The contribution of our vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the communities at large. Vocational Service is a core part of Rotary and promotes honor, integrity, and trustworthiness in business dealings. Rotary promotes high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build international understanding, goodwill, and peace.
President Stephanie Urchick has called on members to recognize and amplify Rotary’s power to save lives, Champion Rotary’s Action Plan, find a balance between continuity and change, and work for peace. In light of this, we have successfully executed and partnered in a total of 19 impactful projects in all seven focus areas and achieved 22 out of 24 goals in just the first half of the Rotary year.
Thank you all for your selflessness in bringing about positive and lasting changes through your vocations, wealth, and talents.
Our affirmation as Rotarians is to continue to serve humanity through our vocation or profession and do good in our communities and communities around the world.
I wish you all a very productive, fulfilling, and amazing New Year!
Yvonne Iwo-Brown
2024-2025 President
Rotary Club of Port Harcourt Cosmopolitan