RI President's Message

From challenge to opportunity

If we are to truly change the world with The Magic of Rotary, it’s up to all of us to foster a sense of belonging in our clubs. But every club should take its own path to get there, and the Action Plan can help you find your way. What does that look like?

Take for instance the Rotary Club of Beveren-Waas in Belgium. It was chartered in 1974 but has evolved with the times, developing both a strategic plan and a membership plan. To find new members, the club analyzes the city’s professions to help focus its search, and all new members are quickly assigned tasks and roles.

The club also mixes up meeting times, alternating between evening and afternoon sessions, making them accessible for all members.

Sometimes, circumstances force clubs to make changes. But as people of action, we know that behind every obstacle is an opportunity.

The Rotary Club of Holyoke in Massachusetts was forced from its meeting place because of rising costs after the COVID-19 pandemic, but members took this setback and turned it into a strength. The club started meeting in a library community room that was available for no charge and catering lunch from a nearby deli. Lunch costs $10 per person, but it’s optional, so no one has to spend money to attend a meeting. What a great way to work toward being “fair to all concerned.”

Since making this change, the Holyoke club has gained 13 members. I suspect part of its membership growth is due to the club’s sense of inclusivity – the first step toward belonging.

If you ask members what they expect from the club experience, you might find that your club doesn’t meet expectations. Think of this as an opportunity to reshape your club in exciting ways, as alternative club models are making a positive impact.

For example, a Rotary Fellowship called Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide, or BREW, has worked closely with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Rotary Action Group for the past eight years to assist with clean water projects. In that time, BREW has funneled 25 percent of its dues to those initiatives.

BREW is one of many examples of members pursuing belonging to improve the world.

I can’t stress enough the importance of belonging. Clubs become simply irresistible when all members feel that they are exactly where they need to be. To me, belonging is the spark that ignites The Magic of Rotary.

As you receive feedback from club members and the community you serve, I urge you to pursue that spark. The Action Plan can help you find the path to success, and if you light your way with the spirit of belonging, that path will lead to a bright future for your club, your community, and

the world.


President, Rotary International

District Governor's Message

It is with a heart full of expectation and optimism that I welcome you all to the month of August, our membership month.

Membership still remains our no. 1 internal priority.

To actualize our vision statement that says Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves” then membership need to remain on our front burner.

Membership connects most aspects of our Rotary business, be it DUES, PEACEBUILDING, KNOWLEDGE, CARE, etc, you can’t talk membership without considering the above.

It comes with a whole lot of good qualities that are required for the growth and well-being of a club, eg, diversity of ideas, opinions, talents, resources, different ages, genders, and cultures.

Nothing good comes easy, they say, hence with such valuables. you don’t expect membership to come cheap. It takes a lot of effort to be accomplished.

It is in this regard that I plead that all hands be on deck. Membership is not for District Governor alone, and neither is it for your club presidents. It is everybody’s business, hence our slogan, “Each one brings one

To prepare grounds for membership to thrive, our Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick has asked us to make our clubs IRRESISTIBLE, that is making our clubs too tempting to be resisted, enticing, fascinating, tantalizing etc. will allow our members to enjoy super super club experience.

Membership is becoming embarrassing to us recently, and we have to change the narrative. I thank all those who have already taken the bull by the horn, you are highly appreciated, permit me to mention the President of RC PH Rebisi Kingdom, Udo Onwere who has brought in 9 new Rotarians all alone. Udo, the entire district commends you for this act and wishes you a successful tenure.

We have started well as a district, with one club chartered already, RC PH ODILI MEADOW, and over ONE HUNDRED new Rotarians admitted. Let us try and sustain the pace. It is a marathon race and not a sprint.

On our part as District, the clubs and every person that contributes to our membership growth will surely be recognized and handsomely rewarded.

Membership Icon certificates, pins, and T-shirts are still available for sponsors.

You can take a look at the district emphasis, the conditions are well spelled out. I encourage clubs to invite speakers to help explain the district emphasis at our fellowships, this will surely make us keep our eyes on the ball.

Has your club registered for MDS/PI?. Don’t be left out.

May I use this medium to make two very important announcements:
The quarterly membership reward for clubs is with a returnable “CHINEDU


The DISTRICT ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD is up for grabs, bring in not less than 10 new fully paid up Rotarians and contribute not less than TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to Rotary Foundation. This money must not come from your picket, you can attract it.

Please check out the details, including the benefits. This is the first of its kind, not just in our district. Who is game? The race is on already.

Finally, my dear friends, this is magic time. Magic is believing in oneself. Let’s join hands and unlock the magic in us, beginning with membership.


District Governor

Trustee Chairman's Message

I love our many Rotary traditions, especially our emblem: the wheel. Whenever I put on my Rotary pin, admire a new club’s logo, or spot the emblem on a volunteer’s T-shirt, I am inspired by the possibilities that the wheel represents.

Early in Rotary, our predecessors envisioned it as a gear, part of a sturdy machine making great things happen. It remains that, and much more. To me, it also symbolizes cycles and movement on our journey of doing good in the world.

August is Rotary’s Membership and New Club Development Month, and I encourage you to think about the cyclical connection between membership and the Rotary Foundation.

When we have engaged members in dynamic clubs, The Magic of Rotary happens. Members, both new and experienced , deepen their commitment to each other and their communities. And that local engagement attracts attention and more members.

Gradually, the new members realize their club is part of a powerful organization that is making lasting change in the world. They learn about the Foundation, support it, and perhaps apply for a grant. They see themselves as part of the movement that will eradicate polio.

As our members’ experience deepens, so does their commitment to Rotary at all levels. The public sees our impact,

making Rotary irresistible. New members join, new clubs are formed, and the cycle continues. With each turn of the wheel, we grow Rotary and our Foundation.

There are countless ways this magical connection between clubs and our Foundation can unfold. For instance, 100% Paul Harris Fellow Clubs, where every member is a Paul Harris Fellow, showcase how engaged clubs are directly connected to the Foundation. Some clubs even up the ante, like the Rotary Club of Crescent (Greensboro), North Carolina, whose 125 members are all Paul Harris Fellows, Benefactors, and Sustaining Members simultaneously.

But you do not need to be in such a “triple crown” club to make a difference.

I am asking all Rotary members to remember this month’s goal for what I’m calling Mark’s Magical Markers: Please make the personal commitment to contribute what you can to the Annual Fund by 31 August. Do it right now, before you forget, at rotary.org/give. While you are there, set up a recurring direct donation.

With your help, we can keep that great wheel of Rotary and its Foundation rolling in the right direction, moving toward something greater tomorrow than we can even imagine today.

MARK DANIEL MALONEY Foundation trustee chair