My dear friends,

Indeed this is another great day in the history of our young District.

It is with mixed feeling but determined heart that I welcome us to 2024/25 Rotary year.

A new year in Rotary comes with a lot of expectations. It gives us opportunity to assess and evaluate our achievement in the previous year, plan on how to make the new year better.

It affords us the opportunity to continue with what we love doing best, which is service to humanity.

A new Rotary year has a way of reviving, recharging, reinvigorating and rejuvenating Rotarians, putting them in the mood for greater things ahead.

A new Rotary year comes with new challenges, new opportunities, new ideas. It also bring different dimensions, different perspectives to Rotary business.

Our motto says “One Profits Most Who Serves Best” A new Rotary year helps to build up our gains, our profits in this our noble venture.

It is in the light of all the above that I welcome you all to the new rotary year!

Arch Klumph says “Rotary will not go backward nor can it remain stationary. It must push forward”.

I congratulate our immediate past district Governor, Emeka Manasseh Utebor for his leadership, and holding forth the district so far.

On behalf of the entire district,we thank you… our appreciator in chief.

Last year was really challenging and I am not promising you this year will be different. We can’t even get a relief by using last year’s challenges as excuses. Quoting our 4th strategic priority which says “Increase our Ability to adapt.” Let us together show that we have learnt from the previous year.

Our Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick asked us to make our clubs IRRESISTIBLE. I sincerely solicit for this, this is a good weapon to fight the challenges before us going forward.

Making our clubs irresistible creates room for an exciting club experience which is the best form of engagement, retention and even recruitment.

Making our clubs irresistible calls for implementing Rotary’s DEI policy, (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). This no doubt is one way to make a positive change. Making our clubs irresistible means falling back to the foundation upon which Rotary is built which is “FRIENDSHIP”. No less firm foundation could it have stood. It is unfortunate that some of our clubs are becoming too toxic, this makes it difficult for us to carry on with our Rotary business, because it is proven that we serve better as friends, hence the first object of Rotary “Development of acquaintance as opportunity for service. Making our clubs irresistible means working together, working as a team which invariably leads to success.

This is the transition month, I humbly appeal to all Rotarians and our distinguished Rotary leaders especially those at the grassroots, eg club Presidents, Assistant Governors, Committee chairs and other club leaders to join hands with me in fighting the challenges this Rotary year will throw at us.

We are PRIME MOVERS this Rotary year, we will need to work tirelessly which is what the name signifies if we are to prevail.

  1. We have our eyes on growing our membership by bringing back our terminated friends, bringing new friends, chartering new clubs.
  2. Contributing to foundation through our personal donations, and attracting same from your friends and rotary partners.
  3. Executing life changing projects through the PROJECT FMCpIus.
  4. Serving and giving back to the society as much as we can this rotary year.
  5. This rotary year, our district will have the opportunity to host all the six (6) districts in Nigeria on world polio day celebration, I look forward to magical outing.

Finally, this is magic time. We have all got a bit of magic in us, show your magic now.

To be honest, with an element of magic in all our Rotary business this year, it will be very easy for us to succeed.

Show your magic with:

Every single quality project completed by your club Every one Naira donated to our foundation, TRF.

Every new member you bring into Rotary.

Please my dear friends, let us join hands TOGETHER as we look forward to a successful Rotary year.

I am available at all time, feel free and reach me if need be.

God bless Rotary D9141

Best Regards


District Governor 2024/25